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Good job on your first game! Not sure if you are aware, but you designed a gameplay loop that's applying "rubber banding". Something that you'll often find in party games created by Nintendo such as Mario Kart. It should help your game accomodate fun experience for players of different skill levels. I'd imagine reducing the handicap of the winning player a little bit and maybe add some random mechanics would add a more polished feeling to the game. Great work! I like how you designed your page too!

Thank you!

wdym, I'm learning something new


This project is looking great Mini_Fox!

The inclusion of a interesting "Glitch" in the tutorial is nice and made me aware of that. With some polish I really think you make that into a feature. 

Your sound effects are great and sounding off at the right time. 

If I were to offer any advice, I'd suggest making the ball/puck speed up more when the paddle hits it. It will make your matches faster and more hectic. I used your glitch to increase the speed and found that to be fun.

You're doing fantastic! Keep going with this forsure!


(2 edits)

this Jam made me learning new functions in GODOT so i wanna say thanks for playing!